Industry Leading Low-Latency Subsea Cameras

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Available to purchase or rent, SubC cameras adapt to your unique needs by integrating with ROVs, AUVs, observatories, autonomous operations, and more. Plus, every SubC camera and imaging system comes backed by industry-leading, after-sales support, ensuring that you have assistance with data processing, integration, and camera maintenance when you need it.

Built To Withstand Severe Marine Environments

Proprietary water-corrected LiquidOptics lenses, rugged build, and versatile features ensure SubC Imaging cameras provide reliable, uncompromising 4K and HD video and imaging quality. View studding live HD video over Ethernet or coax, and live 4K video over fiber optics.


Discover Which Camera is Better Suited For You

Researching, comparing, and choosing the right underwater imaging subsea camera for your project can feel like a monumental task.

See a head-to-head comparison of SubC’s cameras to help you understand your options and inform your choice.

three subsea cameras

Explore Our Resources

Get in Touch

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Whether you have a question about subsea equipment, want a demo, or need customer support, we’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us.




Customer Support:

Sales: team@


327 Memorial Drive

Clarenville, Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada, A5A 1E8