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OSC Webinar - How To Be Successful In The Ocean Sector

On April 23, 2020, SubC’s Founder and CEO, Chad Collett, participated in the “What it Takes: How to be Successful in the Ocean Sector” online seminar as part of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster’s new #OceanofOpportunities webinar series.

In April, the Ocean Startup Project launched a free webinar series to showcase regional, national and international ocean innovators and thought leaders. It aims to promote the opportunities that exist in the ocean sector and inspire people to start or grow ocean ventures in Atlantic Canada.

This particular collaboration included industry leaders who are in three different stages of growth. Chad was joined by Steve Hale, Vice President of Rutter Inc, John Risley, O.C.,President of Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. & Founding Partner, CDL-Atlantic and the Executive Director of the Ocean Startup Project, and webinar host, Don Grant. Each brought their own experiences and advice to the table, discussing what it's like to grow an ocean technology company and the considerations for ocean entrepreneurs at various stages of growth.

They touch on topics such as the importance of having a good team, why they started an ocean business in Atlantic Canada, getting that first customer, and more.

If you missed the live webinar, you can watch the recorded version here.